Why Sportssjef Software

The Sportssjef Platform is the newest fully responsive web platform built to support the executive teams of sports organizations and their volunteers through automation and collaboration.

  • Create: rich content pages, schedule and publish articles, which are delivered directly to organization members, track open rates on your direct email messages, utilize open graph technology in social shareable content
  • Manage: calendar and tasks: synchronized directly with your phone
  • Catalogue: notes and files to a central location, manage organization assets
  • Interact: bidirectionally with your members with surveys, vanity emails, and registrations

Save time in multi-tiered organizations by crowdsourcing data entry for shareable data (i.e. your facilities).

Collaborate with your executive team in a central enterprise location instead of multiple personal accounts.

Engage with your membership interactively and consistently on your web site and through social media.

Utilize a single platform for all of your organization’s needs instead of piecemealing services together from multiple platforms or separate personal accounts.

We’d love to help automate your organization, contact us for more information.
